Basic ecophysiographic study for the Zabrodzie Borough

For the purposes of the Study of the conditions and directions of spatial development for the Zabrodzie Borough, a basic ecophysiographic study was prepared, consisting of two parts: a diagnosis, where the state and functioning of the natural environment in connection with its surroundings was described and analyzed, and conclusions, in which the predispositions and basic environmental conditions for enforcing the functional and spatial policy of the borough were specified. The ecophysiographic study concerns the Zabrodzie Borough located in the north-eastern part of the Masovian Voivodeship, in Wyszków County. The borough is within the range of Natura 2000 areas: Dolina Dolnego Bugu [Lower Bug Valley] PLB140001, Ostoja Nadbużańska [Nadbużańska Refuge] PLH140011, Wydmy Lucynowsko-Mostowieckie [Lucynowsko-Mostowieckie Dunes] PLH140013. The northern and central part of the borough is a part of the Nadbużański Landscape Park. The document showed that the current use and development of the borough was not in contradiction with its predispositions and natural conditions. The environment was free from significant burdens and risks. The then way of management did not stimulate a large intensification of changes taking place in the environment. Due to the large natural potential, the borough was chosen as predisposed to the development of agritourism and the preservation of the agricultural function.