

President of the Management Board

Architect, urban planner. A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (1998).

Since 2004, a member of District Chamber of Urban Planners with its headquarters in Warsaw (entry number WA-344). Since 2014, a member of the Polish Chamber of Urban Planners Association in Warsaw. A member of city and municipal Urban Planning and Architecture Commissions, including the Expert Team of Commission on Urban Planning and Architecture in Warsaw in 2013-2016 and 2020-2022.

Author and chief designer of numerous studies of spatial development conditions and directions, local spatial development plans and specialist studies in the field of urban planning. Author of numerous analyses and expert reports in the field of spatial planning. Investment advisor. Co-author of environmental studies.

He has been working at BPRW joint-stock company since May 1999 and has since been appointed CEO (1 December 2020) and the President of the Management Board (1 October 2021).



Head of the Design Studio, Chief Designer for spatial planning

A graduate of the Inter-Faculty Spatial Management Study of Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw (2004) and Postgraduate Studies of Real Estate Appraisal of the Warsaw School of Economics (2009).

Since 2014, a member of District Chamber of Urban Planners with its headquarters in Warsaw (entry number WA-443), a Real Estate Appraiser (entry number 7021) and a GIS specialist. He has been working at BPRW since 2021. Before that, he’s been gathering professional experience working for local government units, developing a municipal GIS system, supervising a spatial management department and also issuing construction permits. Chief designer of numerous local spatial development plans, co-author of study of spatial development conditions and directions. Specialising in preparing financial impact forecast of enacting local spatial development plans.


Head of the Design Studio, Chief Designer for spatial planning

A graduate of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, majoring in Environmental Protection Systems (1997) and the Postgraduate Study in Urban Planning and Spatial Management at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (2003).

Member of the Society of Polish Urban Planners. He has been working in the office since 1998. Author and co-author of numerous studies in the field of spatial planning, including local spatial development plans, studies of conditions and directions of spatial development and regional plans, as well as multi-criteria analyses and economic impact assessment of planning decisions. Co-author of planning work in Libya. GIS specialist.


Head of the Design Studio, Senior Designer for spatial planning

A graduate of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (2006) and the Postgraduate Study in Urban Planning and Spatial Management at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (2008). She also completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography in Real Estate Management (2019) and Real Estate Appraisal (2020).

A long-time member of the Municipal Urban Planning and Architecture Commissions. Co-author of numerous urban and environmental studies. In 2008-2012, a designer at BPRW joint stock company. Since 2012, she has been gaining professional experience working in a local government unit, also as a co-author of local spatial development plans and a study of conditions and directions of spatial development. She re-joined BPRW in 2021.



Head of the Design Studio, Chief Designer for spatial planning

A graduate of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Łódź University of Technology (1997) and the Postgraduate Study in Urban Planning and Spatial Management at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (2010).

Since 2014, a member of the District Chamber of Urban Planners with its headquarters in Warsaw (entry number WA-444). She has joined BPRW in 2021.

Previously, she gained professional experience working in local government units, preparing planning permissions and supervising the spatial planning department in the local urban planning office. She is the chief designer of local spatial development plans, conceptual spatial development studies and co-author of municipal planning documents, including changes in the study of conditions and directions of spatial development and the protection plan of the cultural park. She was a member of the Municipal Urban Planning and Architecture Commission, where she performed advisory function. She is an active member of the Association of Polish Architects. She specialises in the implementation of local spatial development plans.


Head of the Design Studio, Chief Designer for spatial planning

A graduate of Landscape Architecture of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (2006) and the Postgraduate Study in Urban Planning and Spatial Management at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (2012).

Co-author of local spatial development plans and studies of conditions and directions of spatial development as well as accompanying documents and other planning studies, including analyses, strategies and forecasts, both for the Capital City of Warsaw and cities and boroughs throughout the country. She coordinated work on the spatial development plan for voivodeships. She has been cooperating with BPRW since 2018, permanently since 2021.



Head of the Design Studio, Chief Designer for spatial planning

A graduate of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (2006) and the Postgraduate Study in Urban Planning and Spatial Management at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (2008).

Winner of the Society of Polish Urban Planners award in 2007 for the best Master’s Thesis in the Spatial Management category. Since 2014, a member of the District Chamber of Urban Planners with its headquarters in Warsaw (entry number WA-440) and the Polish Chamber of Urban Planners Association in Warsaw. She has been working at BPRW since 2006. She is the author and co-author of local spatial development plans and studies of conditions and directions of spatial development.


Head of the Office, Chief Designer for spatial planning

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology (1972) and the Postgraduate Regional Planning Study at the Central School of Planning and Statistics (1979). He has urban planning license No. 497/88, granted by the Minister of Spatial Planning and Construction in 1988. He was awarded the Golden Badge of Honour by the Society of Polish Urban Planners, as well as a Badge for the Merits to Spatial and Municipal Management. Co-winner of the Honorary Award of the Minister of Construction, Spatial and Municipal Management for the Integrated Set of Spatial Plans for the Tripoli region in Libya. Chairman of the Warsaw Branch of the Society of Polish Urban Planners.

He has been working at BPRW since 1973. Chief Designer of numerous studies of conditions and directions of spatial development, local spatial development plans and specialist studies in the field of urban landscape management. He also carried out planning work as a part of foreign projects, including the Tripolitania Regional Plan, the spatial development plan for Fezzan region and detailed plans for Tripoli, Libya.



A graduate of the Inter-Faculty Study of Spatial Management of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (2014).

She started working at BPRW S.A. in 2007. She has many years of experience in a local government unit, including coordination of works on the spatial policy of the borough. She is a co-author of local spatial development plans and spatial analyses. She re-joined BPRW S.A. in 2020.



A graduate of the Inter-Faculty Study of Spatial Management of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (2012) and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography in Real Estate Management and Real Estate Appraisal (2014).

She has been working at BPRW S.A. since 2021. She has several years of experience working on large-scale industrial projects in the field of strategic energy and transmission infrastructure (formal and legal aspects) and several years of experience in working for local government administration in the field of spatial management and city development planning. Co-author of planning studies.


Assistant Designer

A graduate of the Faculty of Agrobioengineering at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, majoring in Spatial Management – specialisation: Urban Planning (2016).

He has been working at BPRW S.A. since 2021. Previously, he gained vast experience while working in a private company on preparing local spatial development plans and studies of conditions and directions of spatial development in Lublin and Masovian Voivodeships. Open to new technologies supporting the company’s functioning. Specialising in GIS and 3D technics in urban planning.


Assistant Designer

A graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology, majoring in Spatial Management – specialization Urban Planning in Spatial Planning (2018).

He has been working at BPRW S.A. since 2021. He has several years of professional experience in urban planning in the field of shaping public spaces and revitalizing the urban tissue, previously acquired in a private architectural and urban planning office. Co-author of urban and environmental studies, land development concepts and co-organiser of the charrette workshop. Co-author of local spatial development plans. Specialising in GIS and 3D technics in urban planning.


Assistant Designer

A graduate of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Water Management of the Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology – specialisation: Spatial Planning and Municipal Economy (2019).

She has been working at BPRW S.A. since 2021. She previously gained an extensive experience in a local government unit.


Assistant Designer

A graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology, majoring in Spatial Management – specialization Urban Planning in Spatial Planning (2020).

She has been working at BPRW S.A. since 2022. She has previous professional experience in private company where she was preparing local spatial development plans and studies of conditions and directions of spatial development. Co-author of urban and environmental studies, local spatial development plans. Specialising in GIS.


Assistant Designer

A graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Landscape Architecture of the Catholic University of Lublin, majoring in Spatial Management – specialization spatial planning (2019).

He has been working at BPRW S.A. since 2022. He has previous professional experience in private companies where he was preparing local spatial development plans and studies of conditions and directions of spatial development. He also worked in government administration office where he made arrangements for local spatial development plans, planning permissions and locations of public purpose investments. Co-author of urban and environmental studies, local spatial development plans. Specialising in GIS and 3D technics in urban planning.


Chief Designer for environmental protection

A graduate of the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Geology – specialisation: Engineering Geology.

She is an expert in environmental impact assessments. She has been working at BPRW since 1996. The co-author of several dozen municipal planning documents: local spatial development plans, studies of conditions and directions of spatial development as well as conceptual studies on spatial development. She also handles the environmental impact assessments – both strategic and relating to various enterprises. She is a Member of city and municipal Urban Planning and Architecture Commissions. She shares her knowledge and experience in the field of urban planning and environmental protection with students of the University of Warsaw at the Inter-Faculty Environmental Protection Studies. She actively works in the Society of Polish Urban Planners, where she has been a member of the Council since 2018.


Designer of the electric power infrastructure

A graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, specialisation: Power Engineering.

He has an unlimited building license to design and manage the construction works in the field of networks, installations, electrical and power devices. Member of the Masovian District Chamber of Civil Engineers. Author and co-author of many specialist studies in the field of construction and expansion of the Warsaw electric power system. The more important studies include the “General concept for the development of the electric power system for Warsaw and the Warsaw Voivodeship” as well as about 20 programme and study projects for electric power facilities planned in the Warsaw Voivodeship, such as 110/15 kV power substations and 400 kV and 110 kV overhead lines. Co-author of several dozen urban planning and communication studies in the field of electric power supply. Author of several dozen streets and squares lighting plans for Warsaw. Co-author of several GIS studies relating to Warsaw infrastructure.

URSZULA OGLĘDZKA, Construction Technician

Assistant Designer

A graduate of Construction technical School No. 2 in Warsaw (1980).

She has been working at BPRW since 1980. Co-author of many local spatial development plans and studies of conditions and directions of spatial development. She has an extensive experience in the field of planning and planning-related procedures.


Economic specialist

A graduate of the Printing Technical School.

She has been working at BPRW since 1994. She has an extensive experience and knowledge in the field of administrative and office as well as financial work and HR matters. She supervises the process of acquiring new orders from all over Poland, including analyses of inquiries and public procurement.