Study of the conditions and directions of spatial development for Wołomin Borough

The Study of the conditions and directions of spatial development for the city of Wołomin covers the whole area of the borough – 6,170 ha. BPRW S.A. carried out both the Study of the conditions and directions of spatial development for Wołomin as well as an update of this document. As part of the works on the study, the following zones, constituting the functional and spatial structure, were designated: the center zone, the downtown zone, the urban and suburban zone, the rural development zone, the extensive development zone, the service, production and technical zone and the open areas zone (including agricultural areas, meadows in river valleys, forests and peat areas). These zones form the ring system, with some exceptions. The downtown and urban zones surround the borough center and extend along the railway line. Further away from the center are mostly extensive development and open areas  The basic assumption of this document was to maintain sustainable development in the social, economic and natural spheres. In addition to the designation of new areas for the location of development, non-investment areas were indicated, constituting an inviolable space with a natural function.